Want to chat with AI characters offline?
Runs locally. Free, private, and works out of the box.
Download Desktop App
✨ Simple
Start chatting immediately after installing the app. No configuration or login needed - it's ready to go out of the box ✅
🤫 Private
The AI model runs locally on your computer - your messages will never leave the app and are deleted each time you close it 🔒
🤑 Free
Yes, that's correct, it's 100% free to chat. If you're enjoying HammerAI, you can support us on Gumroad 💸
🪄 Offline
HammerAI works offline. Be sure to download before being stranded on a desert island - it might just save your life 🏝️
🏎️ GPU Acceleration
HammerAI packages Ollama, which supports and automatically configures your Nvidia, AMD, Intel or Apple GPU 🚀
🏛️ Any Language Model
HammerAI exposes 20+ LLM's which work without any configuration, but you can also bring your own Ollama Modelfile 🔍